The Trouble With Politics

3. In Conversation with the Wales FM, Vaughan Gething

Episode Summary

This edition features a chat with Vaughan Gething, the new First Minister of Wales, as he settles into the new role, as elected a month ago by Welsh Labour. We discuss all manner of issues including the state of discrimination and trolling on social media, whether being the first Black leader of any country in Europe has any significance at all, and how he likes to relax away from the world of politics.

Episode Notes

The twists and turns of politics are often not far behind when speaking to elected politicians. The episode was recorded last week, and yet and within hours of the edit being finalised, there was some breaking news about Mr Gething. So here’s the context which we acknowledge:

Vaughan Gething accepted over £200,000s in campaign donations from a controversial waste company, Dauson Environmental Group -  whose director was convicted of environmental offences.

Former First Minister of Wales Mark Drakeford conducted an internal investigation, which in February 2024 concluded that Vaughan Gething’s actions did NOT breach the ministerial code.

However, on 22 April 2024, the leaders of Plaid Cymru and the Welsh Conservative Senedd appear to be dissatisfied with that investigation and have now called for new investigation – which should be independent.

Gething immediately ruled that out the next day, insisting that there was no conflict of interest.

For more detail, read up here

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